ExcelDataPicker Class Library  

ExcelDataPicker Members

ExcelDataPicker overview

Public Properties

public propertyIsClosed Gets a value indicating whether the data picker is closed.

Public Methods

public methodClose Closes the ExcelDataPicker object.
public methodGetBoolean Gets the value of the specified cell as a Boolean.
public methodGetByte Gets the value of the specified cell as a byte.
public methodGetCellType Gets the Type that is the data type of the object inside of specified cell.
public methodGetChar Gets the value of the specified cell as a single character.
public methodGetDataTypeName Gets the name of the source data type.
public methodGetDateTime Gets the value of the specified cell as a DateTime object.
public methodGetDecimal Gets the value of the specified cell as a Decimal object.
public methodGetDouble Gets the value of the specified cell as a double-precision floating point number.
public methodGetFloat Gets the value of the specified cell as a single-precision floating point number.
public methodGetGuid Gets the value of the specified cell as a globally-unique identifier (GUID).
public methodGetInt16 Gets the value of the specified cell as a 16-bit signed integer.
public methodGetInt32 Gets the value of the specified cell as a 32-bit signed integer.
public methodGetInt64 Gets the value of the specified cell as a 64-bit signed integer.
public methodGetString Gets the value of the specified cell as a string.
public methodGetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
public methodGetValue Gets the value of the specified cell in its native format.
public methodIsDBNull Gets a value indicating whether the cell contains non-existent or missing value.

See Also

ExcelDataPicker Class | VM.xPort.ExcelClient Namespace